地 址: | 深圳市南山区蛇口招商路 |
168号招商大厦东座三楼 | |
电 话: | 0755-26818028 |
0755-26818031 | |
手 机: | 138-0223-6032 |
139-2340-3209 | |
网址: | www.szxunzhan.com |
邮箱: | xunzhan888@126.com |
您现在的位置:深圳市迅展人力资源代理有限公司 > 招聘企业
来源:www.szxunzhan.com 发布于:2016-03-23 12:24:38 点击次数:
Hanjin Logistics is a Logistics Service Provider offering a full range of products to efficiently handle our customer’s needs. By providing visibility, Supply Chain Management, and Key Performance Standards, we bring value to our customers by customized solutions.
Hanjin Logistics is a direct subsidiary of Hanjin Group, one of the largest companies in the shipping industry. Hanjin Logistics offers services throughout Asia, Europe and the USA.
Company website:www.hanjinlogistics.com